Expose Your SELF

What Color is Your SOUL Voice?

an alchemical exploration into the layers and textures and flavors of your essence

for your expression online & IRL

The expression of your essence, both digital and IRL, is so multi-faceted. But unless it’s a resonant expression of YOU, it will always feel “off” to your clients, your community and most importantly, to yourself.

Come into alignment with your soul voice

and embody the expression of your Truest Self

Imagine entering into a simple discovery process that circumvents the mind and hits the bullseye of your essence.

In a private one to one session, we’ll dive into the pool of your essence to uncover and discover layers of yourself you have yet to meet.

Whether you’re exploring an expression of your online presence or you’re desiring a more aligned window into your soul voice simply for the joy of it, this session will provide insight into the truest expression of YOU.

60 minute private session on zoom $133.